DOWNLOAD AND PRINT PDF: How to Use Your Acne Medications
DOWNLOAD AND PRINT PDF: How to Use Your Acne Medications
Morning routine:
1. Wash your face with the recommended face wash.
2. Wait 3.5 minutes, then apply only a pea size amount of ___________________________to face / chest / back Overusing this medication will cause excessive dryness, peeling and redness.
3. You can moisturize on top if you need to with an oil free moisturizer.
Evening routine:
1. Wash your face.
2. Wait 3-5 minutes, then apply a pea size amount ofÂ
to face / chest / back Start using this medication every 3 nights for 2 weeks, then every 2 nights for 2 weeks, then nightly thereafter. This method will help your skin adapt to the medication without causing excessive dryness, peeling and redness. Overusing this medication will cause excessive dryness, peeling, and redness.
3. Moisturize on top (recommended for all skin types to combat dryness.
Avoid using hot water on face.
Do not use scrubs as they can irritate the skin.
Do not use any other over the counter products alongside the prescribed medications.
You must wear sunscreen (SPF 50+ applied every 2 hours while out in
the sun, although sunscreen should be worn daily to prevent sunburn).
If you were prescribed an oral antibiotic, please take your medication as follows:
Take 1 tablet of _______________________________with breakfast in the morning.
Take 1 tablet at night with dinner.
Do not skip doses, as this can cause antibiotic resistance and an ineffective response to treatment.
Although side effects are usually rare, please call the office if you experience a rash, hives, diarrhea, nausea/vomiting headache, dizziness, vaginal discharge, or any other symptoms that you develop after starting this medication. If you experience shortness of breath and facial swelling please go to the emergency room for evaluation, as this type of drug reaction can be fatal.
Please be patient and be diligent with your acne regimen. If used correctly, you can start seeing clear skin between B-12 weeks of treatment.