Primary Care Family Physicians Broward County Florida. Family Practice Dermatology Associates LLC in Plantation, Florida and Dr. Jeffrey D. Greiff have been caring for families in the South Florida area for over over 40 years. His primary care practice is dedicated to providing the best treatment options available for teens through adults of all ages and gender.
Dr. Greiff’s proactive patient care started years ago by bringing vital tests in house. Conveniently providing EKG (Electrocardiogram, ECG), Pulmonary Function and Blood Work testing allows him to shave days off diagnosis and treatments while lowering costs to patients.
We specialize in family medicine and primary care with a focus on preventive medicine. We provide immediate attention to walk-in patients as well as by appointment.
Family Practice Dermatology reflects a holistic approach to patient care taking into consideration the biological, psychological and social factors relevant to the care of each patient’s illness. Some of Family Practice Dermatology services include:
• Health education
• Immunizations
• Treating minor diseases and injuries
• Checkups
• Screening tests
• Disease diagnosis
• Management of depression, attention deficit disorder and anxiety
• School/sports physicals
499 NW 70th Ave Suite 211, Plantation, FL 33317
(954) 583-4647